Why is there a Communiqué site?
The purpose and plan that originally brought about the Archdiocesan Pastoral Communiqué has evolved over time and inspired us to rethink the Communiqué. With the desire to make the Communiqué more user friendly, we rebuilt it from the ground up into this new version. We will continue to evaluate and make improvements through user feedback and archdiocesan need. We think you will find this site both easier and faster to use.
Is there a login page?
No, you will receive weekly email updates with the latest content.
Can I receive the Archdiocesan Pastoral Communiqué via email?
Yes, to receive the Communiqué, please send an email by going to the contact us page.
How often is the Archdiocesan Pastoral Communiqué updated?
The Communiqué site will always have the latest information, but a weekly newsletter goes out every Monday after 1 p.m.
Are financial statements posted on the Archdiocesan Pastoral Communiqué?
Can I delete the announcements and documents from the site?
No. Content on the site is kept for 3 years before it will be deleted.
Can I add a “Group” to the site?
No. But if you see that there is a need to include another target audience to the current listing, please send an email by going to the contact us page. The Groups were designed to assist Communiqué users in looking for current and past documents that are specifically addressed to them, such as To: “Pastors” or To: “Bulletin Editors”. The goal of this additional feature is to make searching for documents pertinent to your line of work easier.
Can I forward content from the Communiqué site to others?
At this time, the best way to send content to other people is to click on the “PDF Version” link located at the top of each memo. This allows you to view the document as a PDF and subsequently email the document to other recipients. You also have the option of saving the document to your computer and email it to the recipients. Please note, there is also a “print” icon at the bottom of each document if you prefer to print out the document and distribute accordingly.
Is there an archives section?
Can I make recommendations to improve the site and how do I do that?
We accept all recommendations and positive criticism through the contact us page.
I am supposed to submit content to the communique. How do I do that?
Please review our instructions page for how to go about doing this.