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To: Pastors, Chancery department heads, principals and preschool directors
From: Patty Childs, superintendent of schools, Office of Catholic Schools
The 17th annual Archbishop’s Education Mass and Awards’ Ceremony was held during National Catholic Schools’ Week earlier this year. Since its inception, our goal for the event has been to offer scholarship assistance to archdiocesan employees. Due to the generosity of our banquet sponsors, we are once again able to award scholarships for archdiocesan employees who have their children enrolled in an archdiocesan school.
Each scholarship will be worth $3,500 and will be awarded for the fall of 2025 (this is a one-time, nonrenewable scholarship). At the discretion of the school, the awarding of this scholarship may reduce financial aid previously awarded to selected families.
Based upon the past number of nominations submitted, we will be awarding two scholarships to school employees, two scholarships to parish employees and two scholarships to Chancery employees for a total of six scholarships.
Please submit names of archdiocesan employees (parish, Chancery or school) who you would like to nominate for a scholarship by Friday, April 4, to Debbie Wheeler in the Office of Catholic Schools at dwheeler@archatl.com.
Students must be accepted and enrolled in an archdiocesan Catholic school for the fall of 2025. Pictures of the students that benefitted from this scholarship will be displayed at the 18th annual Archbishop’s Education Mass and Awards Ceremony which is scheduled during National Catholic Schools’ Week in January 2026.
Thank you in advance for your consideration of this request. Please do not hesitate to contact my office with any questions.