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To: Priests and deacons
From: Fr. Pedro Poloche, director, Ongoing Formation of Priests
Priests and deacons:
The clergy study day, scheduled for May 15, 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m., at the Chancery will feature Peter Freissle, founder of His Way at Work, a non-profit organization whose mission is to create value in workplaces around the world by “inspiring and empowering them to transform their cultures with God’s love,” as well as helping them understand the importance of being good stewards of their business.
Mr. Freissle, CEO of Polydeck, the leading provider of modular screening solutions for the aggregate, coal and mining industries, manages over 400 employees in the U.S., Chile and Perú, and focuses on creating a culture of caring founded on the Christian core values of humility, kindness, honesty, integrity, respect and social responsibility.
He will describe how he went from leading a large company to founding a non-profit to transform the workplace. He will share best practices for implementing these values into parish and ministry offices and helping educate parishioners on how to impact their workplaces with a culture of caring.
Please join us for this study day. Registration information will be sent out in late March.