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To: Deacons
From: Penny Simmons, co-director of Diaconate Formation, Office of the Permanent Diaconate
You are invited to a day of reflection for deacons and wives on: Creating a Message that Lingers. Join us on Saturday, May 3, beginning with morning prayer at 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. The event will take place in Grand Hall B and C at the Chancery, 2401 Lake Park Drive SE, Smyrna, GA 30080.
We know that good preaching first involves solid exegesis of the text and in-depth knowledge of our congregation. We know it requires arriving at a message to share with our congregation. But where we often struggle is figuring out how to communicate that message in a way that will “stick” with the congregation—a way that will linger in their memories and begin to shape the way that they live their daily lives. In this workshop, Dr. Ann Garrido will talk about strategies for crafting memorable homilies that linger in listeners’ minds and hearts long after they have been spoken.
Our presenter, Dr. Ann Garrido, is associate professor of homiletics at Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis, Missouri—a graduate school sponsored by the Order of Preachers. She is also the former director of the schools’ Doctorate of Ministry in Preaching program (https://www.ai.edu/academics/degree-programs/doctor-of-ministry-in-preaching). Dr. Garrido is a well-known public speaker and preacher, having spoken at over 300 ministerial gatherings across the country and internationally.
Pre-work: In order to get the most out of the workshop, Ann asks that participants choose one set of lectionary readings for an upcoming preaching within the next six weeks and:
- Read the readings carefully, choosing the reading (or readings) one wishes to focus their homily on
- Do exegesis on that reading (or readings) to make sure you understand what they meant in their original context
- Write a short description of the assembly you will be preaching these readings within (who is your targeted demographic? Is it reflective of the congregation as a whole or a particular segment of them that you really want to reach?)
- Craft a statement about what you feel you want to get across to this congregation about these scriptures you’ve studied. The statement can have no more than 30 words.
Come on May 3 with these in hand ready to work on crafting a memorable homily that you can use in your upcoming preaching event!
Time will be allocated for reflections, discussion and to answer questions that arise from the presentations.
The National Directory provides that a post-ordination formation program be established for the first five years after ordination. This workshop, however, is for all who have been ordained and their wives.
You may claim six continuing education hours in your annual report by attending the session. Be sure to note your wife’s attendance on the registration form. Lunch and drinks will be provided.
Register at: Registration Post Ordination Formation 5-3-2025 before Wednesday, April 23. Follow up emails will be sent to the email you enter so please be sure that your email is correct when you register.
I am looking forward to seeing each of you once again.