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To: Priests
From: Fr. Gerardo Ceballos Gonzalez, priest secretary to the archbishop, Office of the Archbishop
Dear brothers in Christ:
Preparations are underway for the annual chrism Mass and jubilarian dinner celebration. This year we are honoring priests who are celebrating anniversaries in the following categories:
25 years 50 years 60 years 65 years
While I know that some of you are also celebrating other momentous anniversaries, our focus will be on the categories listed above. Our records indicate the following priests are celebrating jubilees this year:
The Reverend Joseph Mullakkara, MSFS
The Reverend Luis Guillermo Córdoba
The Reverend Eric Hill
The Reverend John Conway
The Reverend Hieu Minh Ha
The Reverend Robert M. Hussey, S.J.
The Reverend Abel Guerrero Orta
The Very Reverend José Refugio Oñate Melendez, V.F.
The Reverend Robert Frederick
The Very Reverend Michael Onyekura, JCD, V.F.
The Reverent Daniel J. Rogaczewski
If you are celebrating your 25th, 50th, 60th or 65th anniversary and do not see your name on the list, please contact Amanda Hailey at ahailey@archatl.com or (678) 595-9181 and we will make the addition.
Mark your calendars for Tuesday, April 15, for a full day (see schedule below).
More details and registration will be sent in March. The event will take place at the Cathedral of Christ the King.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Lenten Day of Reflection
Chrism Mass
Jubilarian Dinner
April 15
Cathedral of Christ the King
Schedule of Events
10 a.m. | Coffee and Fellowship | Hyland Center |
11 a.m. | Lenten Day of Reflection (Session I) | Hyland Center |
12 p.m. | Lunch | Hyland Center |
1 p.m. | Lenten Day of Reflection (Session II) | Hyland Center |
2:30 p.m. | Confessions | Cathedral |
3:30 p.m. | Vesting | Kenny Hall/Ministry Offices |
4 p.m. | Chrism Mass | Cathedral |
5:30 p.m. | Cocktail Reception | Hyland Center |
6:15 p.m. | Dinner and Presentation | Hyland Center |