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To: Clergy and religious, parish administrators, directors of religious education, social justice ministers, respect life ministers, campus ministers and youth ministers
From: Jayna Hoffacker, director of Restorative Justice Ministry, Office of Life, Dignity and Justice
In Spes non confundit, the papal bull announcing 2025 Jubilee Year, Pope Francis wrote, “In every part of the world, believers, and their Pastors in particular, should be one in demanding … the abolition of the death penalty, a provision at odds with Christian faith and one that eliminates all hope of forgiveness and rehabilitation.”
In an effort to help all those in our local church answer that call, the Georgia Catholics Against the Death Penalty committee is offering to come to your parish or school to speak to your community about what the church teaches on the death penalty and how we as Catholics can work to abolish it.
Please contact me at jhoffacker@archatl.com or 404-920-7898 if you would like to schedule a presentation for your community.