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To: Pastors, deacons, DRE’s and secretaries
From: Mardessa Smith, sr. executive assistant, Office of the Archbishop
The scheduling of confirmations taking place between August 2025 and December 2025 has begun. Please use this link to access, complete and submit your request form.
Please note the request forms are handled on a first come first serve basis on Archbishop Hartmayer, Bishop Konzen, Bishop Shlesinger or Bishop Tran’s calendar.
Parishes will be notified via email with a letter confirming the date, time and respective bishop no later than February 3, 2025. The online request form not be available after this date.
If you have any questions about scheduling a confirmation, please contact me by phone, (404) 920-7303, or e-mail, mwsmith@archatl.com.
- Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays are the most requested days for confirmation. Parishes located within the perimeter, please choose a weeknight no later than 6 p.m. for your confirmation if possible.
- The bishops are not available on the following dates in 2025:
- September 8-12
- November 10-14
- December 1-2
- If the number of confirmation candidates is fewer than ten (10), consider joining with a neighboring parish or celebrating the sacrament of confirmation every two years. If the number of candidates is more than 80, please request two liturgies.
- The fall 2026 confirmation schedule will open on Monday, January 5, 2026.
- The spring 2026 confirmation schedule will open on Monday, June 2, 2025.