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To: Pastors, parish administrators and bulletin editors
From: Francesca Lupinetti, programs and support services marketing specialist, Office of Mission Advancement
The following are pulpit/bulletin announcements for the Second Collection for the Black and Indian Missions, taking place February 8-9. Please encourage your parishioners to be generous!
Second Collection for Black and Indian Missions in the Archdiocese of Atlanta
February 8-9, 2025
A Prayer for Missions
God of truth and love; sustain, inspire and enlighten your servants who work for you in the mission field. Bring fresh vigor to wavering faith; sustain our faith when it is still fragile. Continually renew missionary zeal in ourselves and in the church; raise up new missionaries who will follow you to the ends of the world. Make us witnesses to your goodness; full of love, strength and faith—for your glory and the salvation of the entire world. by Kendall Harmon
Bulletin announcement for February 1-2:
The Black and Indian Mission collection exists to help diocesan communities to build the church and preach the Gospel of Jesus among the African American, Native American and Alaska Native people of God. Every year, it is the amazing generosity of the Catholic faithful who enable the Black and Indian Mission Office to support parish life and catechists; empowering evangelizers and encouraging vocations.
If you would like to donate, please go to: https://lifeofthechurch.com/donate/
Anuncio para el boletín del 1 y 2 de febrero:
La Colecta para las Misiones Afroamericanas e Indígenas (CMAI) existe para ayudar a que las comunidades diocesanas puedan edificar la Iglesia y predicar el Evangelio de Jesús entre los afroamericanos, nativo americanos y nativos de Alaska, comunidades que también forman parte del pueblo de Dios. Cado año, la generosidad increíble de fieles católicos como ustedes, permite que la Oficina de las Misiones Afroamericanas e Indígenas pueda animar la vida parroquial y brindar catequesis; fortaleciendo a evangelizadores y fomentando vocaciones.
Si desea donar en línea, visite: https://lifeofthechurch.com/donate/
Prayer of the Faithful
God of truth and love; sustain, inspire and enlighten your servants who work for you in the mission field. Bring fresh vigor to wavering faith; sustain our faith when it is still fragile. Continually renew missionary zeal in ourselves and in the church; raise up new missionaries who will follow you to the ends of the world. Make us witnesses to your goodness; full of love, strength and faith —for your glory and the salvation of the entire world. We pray to the Lord.
Oración de los Fieles
Dios de verdad y amor, mantén, inspira e ilumina a los servidores que trabajan para ti en el campo misionero. Trae vigor fresco a los que dudan de la fe; mantén nuestra fe cuando esté frágil. Renueva continuamente el nuestro entusiasmo misionero en nosotros mismos y en la Iglesia; levanta nuevos misioneros que te sigan hasta los confines del mundo. Haznos testigos de tu bondad; llenos de amor, fuerza y fe—para tu gloria y la salvación del mundo entero. Roguemos al Señor.
Bulletin announcement for February 8-9:
This weekend, we are asking for your support of the Black and Indian Missions. Your support goes to some of the people who need it the most across the U.S., from the inner cities of the rural south to the deserts of the southwest to Alaska’s cold wilderness. The need for evangelization programs is so important to our church in this changing world. Please be generous. Thank you for what you can give, and God bless you.
If you would like to donate, please go to: https://lifeofthechurch.com/donate/
Anuncio para el boletín del 8 y 9 de febrero:
Este fin de semana, la Iglesia pide su apoyo para la colecta nacional para las misiones con personas de color y los indígenas. Esa ayuda es para algunas de las personas más necesitadas en todo EE. UU., desde centros urbanos en la región rural del sur y los desiertos del sudoeste hasta las frías zonas deshabitadas de Alaska. La necesidad de programas de evangelización es muy importante para nuestra Iglesia en este mundo cambiante. Agradecemos cualquier contribución que pueda dar y que Dios lo bendiga.
Si desea donar en línea, visite: https://lifeofthechurch.com/donate/
Graphics and Social Media
For more materials, please visit our Parish Resources Page.
For more graphics or assistance, contact flupinetti@archatl.com