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To: Chancery staff and clergy, priests, deacons, parish communicators and liturgy/music directors
From: Deacon Dennis Dorner, chancellor, director of Permanent Diaconate
Volunteer singers are invited to join the archdiocesan choir. Rehearsals will be on the following Saturdays at 11 a.m., at St. Thomas More Church, 636 W Ponce de Leon Ave, Decatur, GA 30030:
January 25, February 15, March 29, April 26 and May 31
An additional rehearsal with the orchestra will take place on Thursday, June 19, at St. Thomas More Church.
Register to be a member here. Please note, even if you are currently in the archdiocesan choir, you must sign up again. Questions can go to Dónal Noonan, director, at archchoir@archatl.com.
Thank you.