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To: Pastors, parish administrators, Archbishop’s Annual Appeal managers and business managers
From: Bridgett Calia, director of operations, Office of Mission Advancement
“…For as is one body we have many parts, and all parts do not have the same function, so we, though many are one body in Christ…”
Thank you for your partnership in the 2024 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. We need your help to secure all 2024 donations. Donations dated December 31 MUST be received by Moore no later than Wednesday, January 8, to be processed for the 2024 Appeal.
Please mail your donations by using the remittance form and instructions here.
Please note the Chancery will be closed from Friday, December 20 at 2 p.m. until Monday, January 6.
Please contact the Office of Mission Advancement with any questions, we are happy to help.
Stock Donations
We have seen some parish websites with outdated stock donation procedures. The updated procedures are on the Ways to Give page and here. Contact Tracy Zelczak at tzelczak@archatl.com with any questions regarding stock donations.
AAA 2025
Thank you for completing your parish kit order form (98 percent of parishes) and webinar registration (80 parishes!) The Office of Mission Advancement has been busy preparing for the 2025 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. Next year’s theme is We are One Body in Christ.
You may still register for the webinar via these links: Monday, February 3, 10 a.m.: Register; Wednesday, February 5, 2 p.m.: Register. Materials ordering is now closed. If you need assistance, please contact Francesca Lupinetti at flupinetti@archatl.com.
2025 Significant Dates:
- February 3 or February 5: Webinar with important information for 2025 Appeal success.
- February 7: Materials arrive in parishes (some online resources available now—all resources including video will be available Feb. 2).
- February 12: Direct mail letter mailed to prior year and lapsed participants (37,000).
- February 22 and 23: Announcement Weekend, Archbishop Gregory J. Hartmayer’s appeal impact video—available in English, Spanish and Vietnamese.
- March 1 and 2: Commitment/Collection Weekend, in-pew process
New for 2025
- Your material kit will include an instruction manual with important information for a successful campaign. You may find an electronic copy of the manual under Parish Resources soon.
- Appeal impact video showcasing the many people and ministries that benefit from the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. These are excerpts from our variable brochure created by deanery to highlight some of the stories of each region. These 20 plus stories will be available on Wednesday, January 8, on the Office of Mission Advancement’s lifeofthechurch.com.
- In-pew collection instructions have been updated and are included in your materials box and online under Parish Resources. Please follow the instructions to ensure the timely and accurate capture of all annual appeal gifts. Most notable is a simple envelope count, remittance sheet and email notification prior to shipping to Moore RMG for processing.
You will receive an email back when your gifts are received for processing.
Your Appeal Team Contacts:
For questions about gift processing (including stock): Tracy Zelczak (tzelczak@archatl.com) and Grace Pasden (gpasden@archatl.com)
For questions about print materials: Francesca Lupinetti (flupinetti@archatl.com)
For bulletin, web, TV and social media materials: Francesca Lupinetti (flupinetti@archatl.com)
For report support: Maria Betz (mbetz@archatl.com)
For parish appeal support and strategies: Deacon Rick Medina (rmedina@archatl.com), Bridgett Calia (bcalia@archatl.com) and Suzanne Fusco (sfusco@archatl.com)
We look forward to partnering with you to inspire increased participation in the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. Let us know how we can help.