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To: Priests and deacons
From: Rev. Mr. James A. Tramonte, delegate for administrative matrimonial affairs, Metropolitan Tribunal
I am pleased to announce the release of a newly revised application for a declaration of nullity due to the failure to marry according to canonical form. This new application is more clear, eliminates unnecessary redundancies and is easier to use. It is available on the webpage of the Tribunal under “Applications/Petitions” and can be accessed HERE.
In addition to the required information on the front of the application, each of the boxes on the back must also be marked, and the document executed as indicated.
We will accept petitions using the old application until January 1, 2025, after which we will only accept the new form. If you have saved or printed copies of the old application, please discard them and always access the application from the webpage to ensure you have the most current version.
Finally, as regards marriage preparation, please use only the recently updated prenuptial forms, which can be found on the webpage of the Tribunal under “Clergy Resources” and can be accessed HERE.
Please direct any questions concerning pre-nuptial forms and lack of canonical form applications to me. I can be reached at jtramonte@archatl.com and 404-920-7510.