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To: OED newsletter subscribers, parish catechetical leaders, campus ministers and marriage and family life leaders
From: Andy Lichtenwalner, director, Office of Evangelization and Discipleship
Dear Friends:
Father Urey Mark, chaplain of the Lyke House – The Catholic Center at AUC, is offering a unique missionary discipleship formation opportunity for collegians and young adults (18-30) in a campus ministry setting. There are five training sessions. While the first session has already passed, there is still time to register and join the remaining sessions (a preliminary survey and information from the first session will be shared with all who register before the second session). The link to register is here. See flyers and letter to learn more.
Please spread the word and pray for the fruitfulness of these efforts. We are grateful to Father Mark for advancing an evangelizing vision of missionary discipleship and for offering this opportunity more broadly to the archdiocese.