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To: Pastors, administrators, business managers, parishes, missions and campus ministries
From: The Most Reverend Gregory J. Hartmayer, OFM Conv., Archbishop of Atlanta
Since 2015, the archdiocese has requested annual counts of the number of people who attend weekend Masses during the month of October. It is vital to have full participation from all parishes, missions and campus ministries. This information demonstrates trends in parish life and the spiritual health of our archdiocese over time.
In order for us to have the most accurate data, please conduct the count over all four October weekends. All weekend Mass counts may be recorded at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2024MassCounts.
If you have any questions, please contact Jenny Miles in our Office of Planning and Research at jmiles@archatl.com or 404-920-7852.
See additional information below:
Preparing for counting Mass attendance
- Decide if you will use ushers or another designated team to take a precise count at each Mass over weekends in October.
- Decide how your team will track the Mass count, who will complete the form, and where the form will be left after Mass.
Potential ways to conduct the Mass count. You may choose a method from the list below, or develop your own:
- Count during the homily (since everyone is seated and there is little movement at this time) or discretely between the homily and the offertory.
- Counts can be taken from the sides or back of each section(s).
- Take high-resolution pictures during the homily and count from the photo.
- Count all people entering or leaving the sanctuary.
- Dedicate a team of people to count all people entering and exiting the sanctuary or outdoor worship space.
- Phone apps or physical counting tools are available.
- Ensure that you have a tally counter at every entrance.
- Automatic people counters/heat cameras to measure all incoming and exiting traffic at any given time.
- Dedicate a team of people to count all people entering and exiting the sanctuary or outdoor worship space.