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To: Clergy, religious, parish communicators, campus ministers and social justice ministers
From: Jayna Hoffacker, director of Restorative Justice Ministry; Office of Life, Dignity and Justice
All who are involved or interested in prison ministry are invited to join us for a Prison Ministry Training on Saturday, September 21. We will gather 10 a.m – 12 p.m., at Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church, located at 1406 Hearst Drive NE, Brookhaven, GA.
We will cover a number of topics, including an overview of our new prison ministry guidelines, an introduction to restorative justice, resources available for parishes engaged in prison ministry and more.
Click here to register. (Or visit http://bit.ly/3AvsxZd)
For questions, contact Imelda Richárd, Prison Ministry coordinator, at irichard@archatl.com or 404-920-7350.