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To: Priests, deacons, religious, principals, parish catechetical leaders, parish business managers, parish bulletin editors, college campus ministers & chancery staff
From: Andy Lichtenwalner, director, Office of Evangelization & Discipleship
The 10th National Eucharistic Congress (NEC) in Indianapolis was a transformative experience of grace for more than 50,000 attendees, and the momentum is only beginning! Thank you for all the prayers and ways you have promoted the NEC and the call to revival. Below is information on next steps, including a draft bulletin announcement; we would be grateful if you can share broadly with your parishioners and communities.
- Experience the National Eucharistic Congress: To view the amazing talks and experiences at the NEC, go to the NEC website. Additional access to videos is available on EWTN’s on-demand page and YouTube page as well as Relevant Radio’s NEC page.
- Calling All NEC Pilgrims: We were blessed to have at least 350-400 pilgrims from our archdiocese in attendance. Due to privacy reasons, the national team was only able to share with us the emails of those who registered through our hotel packages. We are still hoping to connect with more NEC Pilgrims from the archdiocese. Those pilgrims who attended the NEC and have not been receiving communications from the archdiocese can sign up here to receive future emails. For those who attended and wish to share their experiences with The Georgia Bulletin, please email editor@georgiabulletin.org.
- Year of Mission: The NEC has launched the third year of the National Eucharistic Revival, the Year of Mission. Go to com/revival to see the Year of Mission Playbook and the Walk with One initiative. Also, save the date for our next local Eucharistic Congress in Atlanta, June 20-21, 2025.
Thank you for your prayers and for spreading the word. God bless you!
National Eucharistic Congress Launches Year of Mission: The National Eucharistic Congress (NEC) in Indianapolis (July 17-21) has launched the Church in the U.S. into the third year of the National Eucharistic Revival: The Year of Mission. The Archdiocese of Atlanta was blessed to have over 350 pilgrims join the more than 50,000 Catholics in Indy. To view the talks and experiences of the NEC, go to eucharisticcongress.org/digital or visit EWTN and Relevant Radio’s webpages. More information about the Year of Mission is available at archatl.com/revival. If you attended the NEC and would like to receive emails from the archdiocese, sign up at http://tiny.cc/NECpilgrim.
Save the Date: Our next local Eucharistic Congress in Atlanta is June 20-21, 2025!
GRAPHIC (more AoA Eucharistic Revival graphics available here):