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To: Priests
From: Father Pedro Poloche, STL, JCL, director, Ongoing Formation of Priests
Brothers In Christ,
On behalf of Archbishop Hartmayer, I am pleased to invite you to attend the 2024 Convocation of Priests to be held September 9-12, at Lanier Islands Resort in Buford, Georgia. We are grateful to be getting back together for an inspiring program entitled “The Priesthood and the Heart of Christ,” presented by Sister Miriam James Heidland, SOLT and Fr. John Burns. We will also have a presentation, by Catholic Leadership Institute, regarding the “Called for More” program. And, you will have plenty of time for fellowship and fun with your brother priests.
As in the past, the Serra Club of Atlanta will sponsor the annual Day of Appreciation and Recreation for Priests immediately preceding the beginning of our convocation on Monday, September 9. This event will also be held at Lanier Islands Resort. There will be opportunities for both golf and pickleball. You will receive a formal invitation from the Serra Club with registration information through U.S. Mail in mid-July. Participation in the day of recreation is optional, but you will want to plan on attending our dinner on Monday night. The reception begins at 5:30 p.m. with dinner at 6 p.m.
Check-in for the convocation will be handled at the Archdiocese of Atlanta convocation desk located in the lobby at Lanier Islands Lodge. At check-in you will receive your room key, name tag and convocation materials. Check-in begins at noon and will be open throughout the evening. Please plan to stay at the hotel Monday night as we begin the convocation immediately after morning prayer on Tuesday. The convocation will wrap up on Thursday morning at 11:30 a.m. We will provide a boxed lunch for you to either eat there or for your travel.
Please remember that all priests serving in the Archdiocese of Atlanta are expected to attend our convocation, and to participate in the entire program. So that every priest may be available to attend, Archbishop Hartmayer has approved the scheduling of communion services at all parishes throughout the archdiocese on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. If for some reason you cannot be present, please contact Archbishop Hartmayer directly.
The cost of the convocation is $875.00 for single occupancy and $675.00 for double occupancy. Your parish/ministry is responsible for the cost of the convocation. All registration will be online. However, senior priests are welcome to make reservations via telephone by contacting Amanda Hailey at (678) 595-9181.
To register, please click here. Payments will not be required prior to the convocation. Our Office of Finance will bill your parish or ministry electronically after the event. However, it is imperative that you register online at your earliest convenience. We do need to know in advance everyone who will be attending so we can assign rooms. The registration deadline is Friday, August 16.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at ppoloche@archatl.com or Amanda Hailey at ahailey@archatl.com.
I look forward to being with you in September.
Best regards,
Fr. Pedro Poloche
Committee for the Ongoing Formation of Priests